FOR 1-28-2024

“The Secret to Contentment”


“I’m satisfied with what I have until you have something I don’t have.”

  1. We are driven by comparison.
  1. Comparison is a killer of contentment and joy.

Dave Ramsey calls it “stuffitis,” the Bible calls it mammon.

  1. What is the secret to contentment?

Gary Thomas in Authentic Faith says, “Contentment is soul rest.

Phil. 4:10-13 NIV

  1. Contentment is learned.
  2. My circumstances have nothing to do with contentment!
  3. Jesus, is the secret! V. 13
  1. What are some characteristics of contentment?
  1. Contentment means trusting Jesus, not VISA!

Prov. 6:6-8

  1. Contentment means being thankful for what you already have.

I Thess. 5:18

  1. Contentment means cultivating a heart for generosity.

Acts 20:35

Conclusion: When we seek contentment, we break the back of materialism.